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The Inside Story Podcast with April Adams Pertuis

Mar 3, 2021

Stories are powerful. They can teach us, give us hope and encouragement, provide comfort, inspire people, and transform lives.

On the other end of the spectrum, these same stories can also leave us feeling defeated, ashamed, and tied to an invisible chain.

After years of doing storytelling work, I’ve discovered far too many people are on the latter side of the scale: shying away from telling their stories and hiding behind feelings of guilt, shame or regret.

What we need to realize is these stories we’re running away from are the ones that will have the most impact when we open up and share them.

So join me in today’s episode of The Inside Story podcast as I talk about:

  • The story of losing my teeth — and how I learned a powerful storytelling lesson early on in my life
  • How to free yourself from the negative hold your story has on you
  • How my community — the LIGHTbeamers Community — has become a safe place for women who want to share their story

It has always been my belief that when you share your story, you shine a light.

If you want to begin your storytelling journey but you’re not sure how, I invite you to join my LIGHTbeamers Community on Facebook. I will hold your hand as you find your way through the difficult but truly rewarding experience of finally sharing your story.