Mar 10, 2021
Whether it be in our personal lives or in business, creating connections and building relationships get easier when we openly share stories with our audience. A work presentation, a social media post, or even just an email to a friend becomes more interesting when injected with relevant stories.
But it isn’t always easy to dig up stories we can use to engage with others. Sometimes, we feel our stories are too personal to be shared, or we may think they’re not interesting enough to be told.
So how and where do we find stories other than our personal experiences?
Find out in today’s episode as I share with you:
Stories are everywhere. But it’s really up to us to be more conscious of what’s happening in our surroundings and find the stories that are just waiting to be discovered.
I encourage you today to take a closer look at the objects around you and ask yourself: what story does this hold?
If you’re ready to share your story, send me an email at or join the LIGHTbeamers Community on Facebook! It’s a safe space where members are encouraged to tell their stories and shine a light for others.